Junjie Ou


I am currently a fifth-year PhD student in computer science at SJTU, advised by Prof. Xinbing Wang and Prof. Haiming Jin. Previously, I was an undergraduate in the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering in Beijing Jiao Tong University.

My research centers around data mining, machine learning and their broad applications (e.g., information retrieval and recommendation). Now I am also interested in the reasoning study of Large Language Model.



  • New!! I am competing in the Quant Chanllenge WorldQuant IQC 2023.

  • I am competing in the market maker coding challenge ReadyTraderGo.

  • Welcome to use our new released knowledge graph based semantic search system designed for the DDE project, the system is online here - AceKG Seach System. :sparkles: :smile:


Teaching & Services

  1. (TA) Engineering for Electronic Information (B).
    • EE101 Spring 2019-2020, SJTU IEEE Pilot Class
    • EE101 Winter 2020-2021, SJTU IEEE Pilot Class
  2. Reviewers:
    • SIGIR 21/22, AAAI 23
    • Infocom 21/22, Mobicom 20/21, TMC 21
    • SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis
    • Information Sciences


My hobbies include music :musical_score: (Cantonese songs, ballads), sports (fitness :muscle:, basketball :basketball:, etc.)
